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Privacy Policy | AndamanFerry

Privacy Policy

At AndamanFerry.in, we believe that transparency between the seller and the buyer is of utmost importance in building trust and ensuring long-lasting relationships. Therefore, as our valued customers, we want you to know that your privacy is our top priority. The following outlines how we gather and use the information we collect on our website.

IP Addresses

Your IP address helps us in two ways: (1) It allows us to identify our customers, check their shopping carts, and gather broad demographic information about them. (2) It helps us diagnose problems related to server operations and provide appropriate solutions.


Our website uses cookies (messages web servers pass on to your web browser when you visit internet sites) to track your activities and share customized information based on your interests. We assure you that cookies do not share any sensitive information, such as your credit card or debit card details, or any other personal information, with third-party websites.

Information Use

AndamanFerry.in reserves the right to use and share information relevant to our company, collected from our customers, with partner websites for promotional purposes. However, personal or professional details such as your name, address, email, phone number, demographic information, or vehicle details are safe with us. This information will not be sold, shared, or rented to non-partner third-party websites.

Email Privacy Policy

Our email policy reflects our firm commitment to the privacy and protection of our customers' and visitors' information. All customers can opt out of email lists by unsubscribing.

Sharing and Usage

At AndamanFerry.in, we do not share, rent, or sell information collected during your website browsing session through our cookies. However, if required by law or court order, we may disclose information without seeking your permission first. The information we collect is only available to our employees or contracted service providers who use it to provide services related to our communications with you.

How Can Customers Stop Receiving Emails?

You can opt out of our email list by following the instructions at the end of any of our emails. Click on 'unsubscribe' and follow the instructions to stop receiving automated messages.

User Agreement

AndamanFerry.in reserves the right to make changes to the website and to the terms and conditions at any time, with or without prior notice. Customers are advised to regularly check the website and their emails to stay updated. Your use of this site and/or the placement of any order indicates acceptance of AndamanFerry.in's terms and conditions.